Monday, August 30, 2010

CityDog Muttmixer -- What a blast!

We had a lot of fun at the 5th annual CityDog Magazine Muttmixer. Met lots of dogs and fun people. Check out some of the pics by Julie.

in reference to: CityDog Magazine | 2010 Summer Muttmixer (view on Google Sidewiki)
Photo by Julie Clegg |

Friday, August 27, 2010

2010-08-25 CityDog MuttMixer

We really loved going to the 5th Annual CityDog Magazine MuttMixer at the W Hotel in downtown Seattle on Wednesday. CityDog gave out a great swag bag full of all kinds of goodies for dogs. Ultimate Health For Dogs had some media literature in there as well. Here is a link to a bunch of fun pics we took from the event.

Monday, August 23, 2010

For or/and Against...

This is a short item worth the read by Perry Marshall.
Additions we would like to add: We are FOR being a good steward of the animals in your care. We are AGAINST people who consume whatever a corporation puts out and think profits weren't the motive.

in reference to: FOR | AGAINST (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Beautiful Skin & Coat after using dog vitamins

Great testimonial just posted to our site by Sara:

My beautiful English Mastiff, Sasha, was acquired at 2 years of age. She had some sort of skin allergy or condition, plus she was a very finicky eater. The skin condition produced a festering rash, rather like chicken pox, all over her body.

She continued to refuse to eat very much at all for weeks after her arrival, until I began putting “Ultimate Health for Dog’s Liquid Dog Vitamins Formula” on her food. Voila! That was all it took. Now she eats her healthy, nourishing dry food with her liquid vits poured on top. Within three weeks her coat became lustrous and her lesions disappeared. Her energy level has also increased and she is a joy to behold.

Sara in Yelm, WA - August 2010

Be concerned about this recall...

Always wash your hands after handling any dog food. If you knew how it was made you'd probably wear gloves.

in reference to:

"Iams, Eukanuba pet food recall expanded"
- Iams, Eukanuba pet food recall expanded | Philly Dawg | 08/02/2010 (view on Google Sidewiki)