If you love your dog, then you’re probably just like me. I want him to live a long life. I think liquid dog vitamins are the answer.
That is my best friend, Bentley, there to the left with me. Bentley is a little miniature long-haired Dachshund, with black, tan and dapple coloring.
I think one way to extend his life is by giving him the best nutrients available. In my opinion, those are in the form of what he gets to eat and any supplements that are good for him. The best supplements for my dog are those from Ultimate Health for Dogs –their Liquid Dog Vitamins Formula with Joint Support and Mangosteen.
So what I do for Bentley is pretty simple. I give him high quality protein kibbles – about 1 teaspoon. I mix them with about 8 green beans (cut, canned green beans from the store). He gets a teaspoon of the Liquid Dog Vitamins Formula on top of that. I usually just mix it a bit. He also gets a raw hamburger meatball or cube. But I’ll cover more on that in another post.
You know the greatest part about giving liquid dog vitamins to your dog? You just put it on their food and they eat it. No forcing vitamins down their throat. No struggles or deception. They're usually pretty smart anyway.
When you think about it, you probably take vitamins yourself, right? Now, why do you do that? It’s because you don’t think you’re getting all the nutrients you need in your regular diet. Right?
Well, think about the diet your dog gets. Generally, it is some commercial dog food devoid of any nutritive value. He probably needs the liquid dog vitamins more than you need your supplements.
In this blog, I will be covering all the great things included in the best of the liquid dog vitamin supplements. The best dog vitamin ingredients, what they do for your dog, some of the studies that back up those claims.
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