Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dogs optional when you leave the house...

Great article with two view points on taking a dog everywhere with you. We don't take Bentley everywhere, but as much as possible. But most of the time, he stays in the car. That's the fun part, traveling with him.

in reference to:

"Is That a Dog in the Dressing Room?"
- Complaint Box | Ubiquitous Pets - City Room Blog - (view on Google Sidewiki)

1 comment:

  1. So Barbara the first author is surely not a dog owner and Erica certainly is as she states. Hmm buying a service dog vest? Now that is a good idea! I wonder if they have them in dachshund size?
    I was thrown out of a Freddie Meyer store once when I had my mini dachshund zipped inside my polar fleece vest. His head was sticking out and we got caught when some old lady stopped to pet him. She was telling me how cute he was and how it made her day to see him being so loved when I got nabbed. I was escorted out with my tail between my legs! I don't buy my dog food there any more!
